Windcrest Taxes & Water Bill

 Windcrest Candidates have all addressed Windcrest Taxes.  The truth of the matter is for the past 8 years the Tax Rate was decreased.  The previous mayor touted he lowered taxes, but actually he lowered the rate.  Your taxes still went up, but by a smaller amount had the rate not been decreased.
  Now, because of the lower tax rate the coffers are nearly empty and council is asking you to pass a $7.4 Million Street Bond!  A $2 Million Fire Equipment Bond and the Water District has a $7 Million Bond.  That's $16.4 Million .  Who is going to pay these Bonds?  Windcrest residents with higher water rates, higher taxes. 
  The Water District has said during their board meeting, what they don't spend they could put into a bank and draw interest.  Dumb, Dumb.  Would you take out a loan so you could put the money into your bank to get interest?  Pay 5% and earn 1.4%, sure sound dumb.
  Everyone is talking Bonds.  All this chatter has citizens confused as to exactly why the Bonds are needed. 
  Vote NO on these Bonds.  Rome was not built in a day, the Water District infastructure was built in phases as Windcrest expanded.  The street bond only repairs 6 streets.  Bad for Tax Payers.
  The Bonds are 15, 20 and 25 years.  The Water Board needs new Directors.


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