Vote NO on Bonds and TRIO Slates

Recommend voting NO for both Proposition Bonds.  The Street Bond is for Three streets (3) and some repair to three more streets and you pay for 20 years.   Windcrest streets will not last 20 years, plus the Bond does not address how to pay for the REST of the streets.  The Bond Rating has not been determined so the interest Rate is all guess work at this time.  The charts in the mail out used 4% interest rate, which totals some $4 Million in Interest Rates over the years.

  Where are the Trip Slate Candidates?   Those guys on the Trio sign have NOT attended the Meet the Candidates forums nor did they participate in the Debate.  Every Candidate was invited, so why did they not attend. 

The Invite include the Water District candidates.  They also chose NOT to attend.


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