Windcrest Fireman Pension

  Windcrest Volunteer fireman have a pension fund, fully funded by the City of Windcrest.  This Pension is administered by the Texas Emergency Services Retirement System (TESRS) in Austin, Tx.
  For each qualified volunteer firefighter on active status TESRS bills the City of Windcrest $36 per firefighter/.per month.  Windcrest has a local Pension Board to oversee the program and track the volunteer's status.   The Fire Chief is responsible for this Board.
  At the Feb 26 , 2018 city council meeting CCM Pedrotti asked the Fire Chief Weidemann about the Pension Board.  CCM Pedrotti asked "Isn't a member of the Pension Board selected by Council?  Chief Weidemann responded No Mam!
  The Statues says: Sec 865.012. Local Board,  (1) one trustee selected by the governing body of the political subdivision of which a participating department is a part.

  Doesn't that tell you the council selects one trustee?  Someone to represent the City on the Pension Board.  Sounds like Chief Weidemann has his own rules.

Here is the Council Video concerning the Pension Board.


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