Fireman Pension Fund FIASCO

  Did you catch the Fire Chief's department head report at council?  Seem he has NOT been paying into the fund for some time.  He was hired in June of 2017.  Experience at the state level in Austin and other volunteer fire departments so should know about the Pension Fund.

  Since being hired he also submitted a proposed budget with included a line item for Volunteer Firefighters Pension to the tune of $20,000 (plus)

 Windcrest is obligated to pay $36 per month per qualified firefighter into the State managed Pension fund.  The state bills Windcrest for the money, so what happened to those Bills?  You would think the finance director after receiving an invoice for payment would have contacted the Fire Chief and even the City Manager for clearance to pay.  That did not happen! 

Now the State Managed Fund says Windcrest must pay $16,000- $18,000 to catch up the payments.

 What in the world has the new fire chief been doing?  Evidently NOT minding the store and managing his budget per his job description!  The City Manager is also derelict for NOT proving oversight of the departments which is his Job. 

 Any civilian corporation would fire the lot for making this type of mistake.  But in Windcrest, you paint walls, paint stripes, fire long time firefighters, cater to the CM by forming a Bugle Crew, and keep your job by blaming others.

 The fire chief could have blamed others had he performed his job the first few weeks by pointing out the Pension Fund had not been paid.  But now he' the culprit  because he's been on the job for 7 months.  He owns that oversight.  You don't have $20,000 in a line item and just ignore it!

The Windcrest FireFighters deserve better. 


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