Secret Loan from City of Windcrest

   The Sept 13, 2018  WEDC agenda has this  " 5. Consider and take possible action on paying off loan from the City of Windcrest ($145,000)." 

  Windcrest can surely use additional street funds, so the surprise windfall of $145,000 is welcome. 

  The real issue is.  Why is the existence of this Loan not reflected in the budgets?  When was this loan made?

Consider this:  September 7 2018, WEDC President  Sue Alexander signs the deed of WEDC property over to IWanta Oil, LLC.  Then  on Sept 13, 2018 a never before disclosed Loan from the City of Windcrest appears on the WEDC Agenda with action pending to pay the $145,000 loan back.

Why is this loan not mentioned anywhere in the budgets?  Does it really exists?  Not even the auditors made mention of this WEDC DEBT. 

This does not pass the smell test folks.


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