Missing Springbrook Resolution 2018-665 (R),

  This is the Resolution that Irv Gerro and Sue Alexande claimed they did not publish because it was far from complete.  This was received from a wedc person that wishes to remain anonymous.

  The second Whereas is very important: Says Project described in attached Exhibit A.  Where is Exhibt A?

    Item 6 states what Irv attempted to relay during his city council comments.  Irv left out "such that all possible local sales taxes related to the project..." 
Another $5 million is mentioned in this resolution. (item8)  There is a Special Use Permit mentioned but P&Z already addressed that issue, so why is it mentioned again? (item9)

Item 4: Senior center available for use by all Windcrest residents aged 55 or more.  There is NO  mention of the cost involved, do you think this will be free?  It should be so why not mention that it will be free to residents unless?? 


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