
Showing posts from March, 2018

Pension Fund-Reports Windcrest

  The Windcrest City Manager is falling down on the job .  Evidently he is well over his level of expertise and floundering.  The Fireman's pension fund has NOT been paid for the past couple of years according to the Fire Chief.  Not to mention this Fire Chief has been on the job for over 7 months and is just not finding the Pension fund has not been paid.  This speaks volumes as to his credentials or lack of them.   According to CCM James McFall, this Fire Chief is the most qualified, educated and experienced Fire Chief Windcrest has ever had.  Obviously he can NOT read a Budget, otherwise in June/July he would have seen nothing was spent from the Pension line item all year.  That should have been a huge red flag, but his attention was directed elsewhere.  He was instructed to dismember the Windcrest Volunteer Fire Association by firing all those that would not transfer to the newly created Bugle Crew.   Certainly the Finance Directo...

Windcrest Fireman Pension

  Windcrest Volunteer fireman have a pension fund, fully funded by the City of Windcrest.  This Pension is administered by the Texas Emergency Services Retirement System (TESRS) in Austin, Tx.   For each qualified volunteer firefighter on active status TESRS bills the City of Windcrest $36 per firefighter/.per month.  Windcrest has a local Pension Board to oversee the program and track the volunteer's status.   The Fire Chief is responsible for this Board.   At the Feb 26 , 2018 city council meeting CCM Pedrotti asked the Fire Chief Weidemann about the Pension Board.  CCM Pedrotti asked "Isn't a member of the Pension Board selected by Council?  Chief Weidemann responded No Mam!   The Statues says: Sec 865.012. Local Board,  (1) one trustee selected by the governing body of the political subdivision of which a participating department is a part.   Doesn't that tell you the council selects one trustee?  Someone to repre...

James McFall Untruthful

 James McFall is very untruthful in his March Newsletter article.  In the article McFall refers to the Bugle Crew as an Association.   Note the attached copy of the official Certification of Formation and you can see the name is WVFD Bugle Crew.  Plain and simple, Bugle Crew, that's it!   Council created the WVFD Bugle Crew and passed a Fire Protection Agreement that replaced the time honored WVF Association.  Nearly 500 citizens signed a Referendum that HALTS the creation of the Bugle Crew and the Fire Protection Agreement until the Voters decide during the May Elections.   McFall is trying to brain wash citizens by referring the the Bugle Crew as an Association, when there is only one Association and the is the WVF Association, Inc.   McFall is Greasing the Wheel of confusion getting ready for the May Elections.  Don't let him fool you, the Bugle Crew is NOT the Association. This is the wording for the May Ballot.  Vot...

Fireman Pension Fund FIASCO

  Did you catch the Fire Chief's department head report at council?  Seem he has NOT been paying into the fund for some time.  He was hired in June of 2017.  Experience at the state level in Austin and other volunteer fire departments so should know about the Pension Fund.   Since being hired he also submitted a proposed budget with included a line item for Volunteer Firefighters Pension to the tune of $20,000 (plus)  Windcrest is obligated to pay $36 per month per qualified firefighter into the State managed Pension fund.  The state bills Windcrest for the money, so what happened to those Bills?  You would think the finance director after receiving an invoice for payment would have contacted the Fire Chief and even the City Manager for clearance to pay.  That did not happen!  Now the State Managed Fund says Windcrest must pay $16,000- $18,000 to catch up the payments.  What in the world has the new fire chief been doing?...

Jacobi, McFall & Selton Resign

Do the Right Thing!  (Quote from Citizens to be Heard)