McFall, Jacobi and Shelton TABLE motions, but not this one!

  Officials uses Mis-Information to support their motion.  McFall and Jacobi motioned for ONE meeting a Month and beginning in January 2018 those meeting will be on the 3rd Monday of the Month. (as per City Charter-- Problem is the Charter does NOT state their claim"
During the Dec 4, 2017 City Council meeting Councilman James McFall defended his agenda item for changing City Council meeting to ONE per Month, on the 3rd Monday.  McFall stated: The City Charter says, One meeting per month to be held on the 3rd Monday.  When asked where in the Charter was this written.  MCFall, declared "It's up to you to find it!"
  This is the normal "intimidation" employed by the previous council.  McFall was talking out of back side, because the Charter states NO SUCH THING as was Noted by new councilwoman Joan Pedrotti during the discussion of the agenda item.
  McFall, Jacobi and Shelton took turns making Motions to Table agenda item after agenda item!  You have to watch the video to understand the mayhem.
  The one Major agenda item concerned the Windcrest Volunteer Fire Department, Bugle Crew.  Seems there is something AMISS in the organizations filings.  Without offering any additional information Jim Shelton motioned
   Authorizing the City Manager to enforce the exclusive Authority of Windcrest Volunteer Fire Department Bugle Crew, to represent the City and WVFD in connection with Fundraising.  To include attorney fees.  This is the 1st time FUNDRAISING has been mentioned. Mmmmm??

Light up is only a few day away, Dec 9th and things are not in order.


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