Windcrest Mayor's DBGIC,LLC Forfeited

Mayor’s Message: {Quote}
Budget Summary” For the sixth year in a row, we will not see an increase in the City’s residential property tax rate.  The tax rate has been reduced by over 30% in the last six years….. With regards to infrastructure and amenities, we are systematically catching up on items that in the past were neglected.
   This administration has decreased the Tax Rate by over 30% while the Streets and Alleys deteriorated to the point City council now deems the street in dire need of repairs, so they want a Bond?  Now he wants you to believe they are "Catching" up!  
  The Cost of such a Bond would be nearly $100,000.  Let me get this straight!  Reduce tax rates by 30% over 6 years, then declare Windcrest Streets in Dire need of repair so Voters must pass a Bond.
Mayor Baxter, declared several times that he would run the city like a business. Remember DBGIC,LLC, the Mayor’s company that was in the news because the Public Works Director, Tom Garcia was listed at the Manager of DBGIC,llc?   Guess what, his DBGIC,llc has been forfeited by the Tx Secretary of State.  

It’s time for new leadership in City Council.  Starting with the Mayor and the two appointed’ to council. 

Vote Dan Reese, Frank Arculetta and Joan Pedrotti and make Integrity Matter.

Ref: City Newsletter Vol 17, Issue 10, October 2017


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