City Attorney Asked?

  Windcrest has a city attorney to handle city matters.  So why did Baxter hire outside attorneys (Probably Tom Jeffrey of Martin, Cukjati & Tom, Trial Attorneys) to obtain financial records from the Windcrest Volunteer Fire Association?  The Fire Association attorney gave this outside attorney the last 3 years of Federal Tax Returns, yet Baxter sits on the dais  and claims the Fire Association did not file tax returns.  That's a pretty bold,  being the attorney he hired has the last 3 years of Federal Tax Returns.

 So why outside trial attorneys?  Normally the City Attorney would handle such mundane requests.

 Could it be because Mayor Baxter wanted to employ fear tactics by throwing Trial attorneys into the mix?   Money that should be used for Streets.  As Paul Harvey said, "Now you know the rest of the story, Good Day."


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