Bully in Town

The Windcrest Volunteer Fire Association is already a 501c3 or c4!!  So why is Baxter threatening the Fire Association?  

The Herald this week has this article by Jeff Flynn where Baxter is quoted: " The current association has one week to turn over all their books and records and be transparent, as they are supposed to be,” he warned. “If they refuse, we will start a new 501c3 or c4. It will be seamless. 

GILBERT GARCIA OPINION COLUMNIST, wrote: "Things are nasty in Windcrest.
The knock on Baxter is that he is a foul-mouthed bully who rewards his friends and 
punishes anyone who fails to meet his loyalty test"

Two articles showing Alan Baxter has earned Bully Status

 Windcrest  received copies of the associationsTax Returns for the past 3 years.  Baxter wanted more documents, but the Association released all documents required by Law. 
Baxter false claim that the Association didn't file tax returns for several years is another example of Baxter's favorite Bully tactic

Note: IRS voids your 501c status is you don't file Tax Returns.  



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