The Sept 13, 2018 WEDC agenda has this " 5. Consider and take possible action on paying off loan from the City of Windcrest ($145,000)." Windcrest can surely use additional street funds, so the surprise windfall of $145,000 is welcome. The real issue is. Why is the existence of this Loan not reflected in the budgets? When was this loan made? Consider this: September 7 2018, WEDC President Sue Alexander signs the deed of WEDC property over to IWanta Oil, LLC. Then on Sept 13, 2018 a never before disclosed Loan from the City of Windcrest appears on the WEDC Agenda with action pending to pay the $145,000 loan back. Why is this loan not mentioned anywhere in the budgets? Does it really exists? Not even the auditors made mention of this WEDC DEBT. T his do es not pass the smell test folks.