Pension Fund-Reports Windcrest

  The Windcrest City Manager is falling down on the job.  Evidently he is well over his level of expertise and floundering.  The Fireman's pension fund has NOT been paid for the past couple of years according to the Fire Chief.  Not to mention this Fire Chief has been on the job for over 7 months and is just not finding the Pension fund has not been paid.  This speaks volumes as to his credentials or lack of them.
  According to CCM James McFall, this Fire Chief is the most qualified, educated and experienced Fire Chief Windcrest has ever had.  Obviously he can NOT read a Budget, otherwise in June/July he would have seen nothing was spent from the Pension line item all year.  That should have been a huge red flag, but his attention was directed elsewhere.  He was instructed to dismember the Windcrest Volunteer Fire Association by firing all those that would not transfer to the newly created Bugle Crew.
  Certainly the Finance Director would have alerted the City Manager about the billings received concerning the Pension Fund.  He was not paying them.  Do you suppose he made that decision on his own?

These are Reports for the Windcrest Volunteer Fireman Pension Board.  See the docs below on the Pension Reports

The 2018 Report


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