
Showing posts from September, 2017

Truth about Schedule G and Money.

 Mayor Baxter said the Volunteer Fire Association was missing 10's of thousands of Dollars, that's a fact .   He also said the WVFD failed to give Donors a Schedule G.   Truth:  The WVFA Files a schedule G with their Federal Taxes.  This is from the IRS site. About Schedule G (Form 990 or 990EZ) Information about Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ), Supplemental Information Regarding Fundraising or Gaming Activities, including recent updates, related forms and instructions on how to file. Organizations that file Form 990 or Form 990-EZ use this schedule to report professional fundraising services, fundraising events, and gaming.    The part he did not speak about was:  A donor wrote a $5,000 check the Volunteer Fire Association for the Maps.  The finance director indicated the $5,000 check was deposited into a city account.  Chief responded,  "The Volunteer Fire Association needs that check for our schedule G.  As for the Money statement.  Who reported money missing

Volunteer Fire Association Tax Filings

  Let's put an end to the rumors and misinformation from the dias that the Windcrest Volunteer Fire Association does not file Federal Taxes.   The WVFA files Fed Tax forms by their Tax year, not by calendar year so you have to look at the dates at the top of the Form 990.   A request has been filed for the remaining 7 years, for a total of 10 years which will be posted upon arrival.  Meanwhile here is PROOF the Volunteer Fire Association, Inc Filed. Oct 1, 2013 ending Sept 20, 2014 Oct 1, 2014 ending Sept 30, 2015 Oct 1, 2015 ending Sept 30, 2016

Street BOND being Proposed in Windcrest.

In 2016 Mayor Baxter addressed citizens during council meeting ( see video here )  He said the Streets are Not That Bad.  Listen for your self.   Now fast forward to August 30, 2017, city council agenda: "The City Council has determined that there is a critical need for street repairs and improvements in the city limits that cannot be paid for through street maintenance sales taxes and normal property taxes. In order to meet the critical need  the City Council could call a Bond Election "   Jim Shelton is part of the street committee and made this statement during the August council meeting.   If Citizens want their street repaired they will have to vote for the Bond.     Jim  Shelton, the same fella that has been saying for the past three years.   Street repairs will begin after light up.  How many times have you hear this statement?. Citizens of Windcrest have been led down the proverbial path.  Put another way, "Windcrest Citzens are up the proverbial w

City Attorney Asked?

  Windcrest has a city attorney to handle city matters.  So why did Baxter hire outside attorneys (Probably Tom Jeffrey of Martin, Cukjati & Tom, Trial Attorneys) to obtain financial records from the Windcrest Volunteer Fire Association?  The Fire Association attorney gave this outside attorney the last 3 years of Federal Tax Returns, yet Baxter sits on the dais  and claims the Fire Association did not file tax returns.  That's a pretty bold,   being the attorney he hired has the last 3 years of Federal Tax Returns.  So why outside trial attorneys?  Normally the City Attorney would handle such mundane requests.  Could it be because Mayor Baxter wanted to employ fear tactics by throwing Trial attorneys into the mix?   Money that should be used for Streets.  As Paul Harvey said, "Now you know the rest of the story, Good Day."